Friday, August 24, 2007

Meditation 4

day 2


Today we will try a very simple form of visualization. As you did before, practice once today for five minutes. Even though it is only a very short meditation, consider this time an initial but vital investment toward what will eventually be an exponential increase in spiritual awareness.
1. As you did before, sit down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax your body. Allow your mind to quiet down a little. Many people who meditate have some beginning routine or ritual they go through prior to meditating; some people like to stretch, practice yoga, or work through a series of breathing exercises first. For now, at least practice steps 1 through 3 from the previous instructions whenever you begin. (They won't be repeated.)
2. Now imagine a perfect, deep blue sky filling the whole landscape of your mind's eye, stretching upward and downward and extending out forever, with a golden, shining sun near the top. Try to picture this scene as clearly as you can.
3. Next, consider that the sky represents your mind - beautiful and broad and clear - and imagine that the sun is a source of great healing and nourishment. Keep your mind focused on this image for the remainder of your meditation, allowing your mind to bask in the healing rays of the sun.
4. Whenever your thoughts stray, gently recall the image. This will be difficult, but don't give in to frustration. In the beginning most people are able to concentrate only for a matter of seconds. Consider every effort to return your mind to your meditation a success. (From Tobin Blake, The power of stillness)

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